He has 18 years of experience & She is a new-bee 🐝

Tag along for our bee rescue adventures + education! Follow us on Instagram


About us

Hi There! We are the Russell’s. Jeff & Julie Russell! We eloped in the forests of Big Sur in October of 2018 and have been together 2 years prior to that!


Jeff has been working with bees for 18 years now! He’s amazing with the bees and though he’s been stung hundreds of times, he LOVES this job! Yes, it still hurts - and no he hasn’t developed any super powers… yet ;)


Julie actually got into working with the bees after Jeff broke his back on a surf trip in Puerto Escondido, Mexico in 2018. Jeff couldn't do much at the time, so Julie stepped in - and fell in love with them too!


With Julie's background in photography and graphic design we thought a social media platform would be the perfect way to spread the word about these amazing little creatures 🐝